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Is your church handicapped accesible?Yes, it is. There are several handicapped parking spots on the west side of the church by the main entrance and in the back of the church on the same side. The main entrance under the awning is a set of double doors with a level floor going in. Any size wheelchair will enter with ease. There is a standard wheelchair by the coat racks for use by anyone. The restrooms outside the sanctuary each have a handicapped stall with railings for assistance. We have a stair chair that allows elder guests and those with disabilities to enter the basement if needed. There are no traditional pews in our large sanctuary. Cushioned wooden chairs are placed side by side to make rows for worshipers to sit during the service. Any chair(s) can be removed to accomodate wheelchair seating. We recommend parking your wheelchair at either end of any row which will make it more convenient for you. We welcome with open arms all elderly or disabled guests and will do whatever we can to make your visit comfortable and enjoyable while allowing you to sit where you want and with whom you want. You will never feel alone here. If you need any assistance getting settled in for the service, our ushers will be glad to assist you.
Do you have child care options?Yes we do. Although your children are welcome to be with you in the sanctuary during church service, we offer child care in the nursery for infants through age 3. We have qualified supervisors with state and federal clearances who are well experienced in the care of children. If, during the service, your child should become ill or have another need to be with you, one of the nursery workers will come into the service and let you know quietly.
What if my child is too old for the nursery but not able to sit through the main church service?Your gonna love this one. After the announcements, opening prayer, and a little singing, an announcement will be made that all children are dismissed to Junior Church until the end of the service. The kiddos will be escorted by the Junior Church teachers out of the main sanctuary to Thompson Hall (the old sanctuary) by the main entrance. There, they will participate in age appropriate Bible lessons with coloring, games, snacks, and more. You may escort your child to Junior Church if you think he or she would be more comfortable until they realize how much fun they'll be having.
Does your church engage in any security measures?Yes, we do. It's sad to say, but in these chaotic times, the issue of security must be taken seriously. For the safety of the congregation, when the service begins, the ushers will lock the entrance doors so that no one can enter without being noticed. If the church needs to be evacuated due to an emergency such as fire, there are still exits available to leave the bulidng. If you need to step outside the church for any reason during the service, an usher inside the lobby will unlock any of the entrance doors to let you out. During the service, the ushers patrol the parking lot and perimiter of the church grounds to watch out for any suspicious activity. There is video surveilence inside the building with a monitor in the church office. All of our security measures are there because we care about your safety. It's a "just in case" senario.
When do I need to get there?We offer Sunday School classes for all ages (and child care) from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. If you can't make it to Sunday School or if it's your first visit and you just want to see what the main service is like, please arrive by 10:30 a.m. The main service runs until Noon. Our friendly greeters will shake your hand with a welcoming smile and answer any immediate questions if you have any. While entering the main sanctuary, an usher will provide you with a bulletin outlining the service itself. You may sit anywhere you feel comfortable. If you need assistance getting seated, just ask and we'll be glad to help out. For a complete list of all of our services throughout the week please take a look at our SERVICES page.
Where do I park?Our church has a large parking lot that surrounds the building. There are two entrances to parking from the street. If you are heading west up the hill, you can turn left into the lower entrance, or proceed to the main driveway just up ahead that runs along side the western wall of the building. As you pass under the awning (main entrance), you will notice several handicapped parking spaces. If you continue to the back of the building, there is a small parking area by the pavillion with additional handicapped spaces. Continuing around the back of the church will reveal the lower parking lot and the lower entrance to it that you passed originally. There's plenty of parking.
Where do I enter the church?There are three main entrances. Any of these are fine. The main entrance is under the awning along side the western wall of the building (This is fully handicapped accessible). Another entrance is just a few steps along the same walk further toward the back of the church. The third entrance is located off the lower parking lot. Just follow the sidewalk with the handrail. All three entrances lead to our lobby (narthex). There is an area to hang your coats and hats. The lobby (Narthex) is where you will meet our friendly greeters who are ready and willing to help you out. Please feel free to step into the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee, a cold drink, and a donut.
Are first time visitors singled out to stand or speak during the service?No way. If that happened to me, I'd feel like running right back out. The Pastor or one of the leaders may announce a welcome to all of our visitors in general, but no one will be singled out at any time. First time visitor cards are available for you to fill out and drop in the offering plate if you wish. That will allow one of our Pastors or staff to contact you later on in the week to let you know we appreciated you being there.
What do I do about the offering? Do I need to bring money?Only if you want. The first time visit is more to let you see what the service and people are like. It's a great time to decide if you want to come back to join us again. We sure would like to have you back. If you do, at any time, decide to donate (tithe) to the church, you may do so conveniently by clicking the Donate button at the top of most pages on our website and make a secure payment with your debit or credit card. Or, you may place it in the collection plate which is passed around at every Sunday morning service. Our treasurer will gladly provide you with a receipt for all of your contributions if you would provide basic contact information. You may help yourself to a box of offering envelopes in the welcome center if you would like. Each box contains an envelope for every Sunday of the year. Be sure to put your name on the outside of the envelope so your gift is recorded. This is only so we can provide you annual reports of your contributions (for tax reasons or personal record). Nobody but the treasurer and the Pastor has access to this information. We respect your privacy. And what you give is between you and the Lord.
What do I wear?Just come as you are. There are all kinds of people in our congregation. Some wear suits and ties or dresses. Some wear jeans and a shirt or blouse. This is one of the most non-judgemental congregations you will ever meet.
What are the people like?Our congregation is warm, friendly, non-judgemental, and welcoming. There are people from all walks of life; from all ages of kids and youth, to retirees, to blue collar workers, to white collar workers. We're all the same in the eyes of our heavenly Father. When you meet us for the first time, you'll feel like you just arrived at an old fashioned family reunion. We love to meet new people and get to know them.
How do I get there?Please visit our Find or Contact Us page. There you will find a Google Map showing our location along with our address and other information. If you have any questions, just give us a call or email.
During the worship service am I expected to shout things out, raise my hands in the air, or anything like that?"Not at all. During the worship service, when the Holy Spirit moves in people's hearts in various ways, the joy bubbles over, so to speak, and shows outwardly as a raise of a hand, a shout of "Yes, Jesus", or just a warm feeling in the heart with no words or motion. It's an individual thing. No one will think twice if you feel like raising your hands or saying a praise or just standing still.
Do I need to bring a Bible?If you have a Bible, please feel free to bring it. If not, no worries. There will be a Bible on the small shelf under the seat in front of you for your use. You are welcome to use a Bible App on your cell phone or tablet as well.
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