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We hold this congregation of the First Church of God at Greenville as a representative local congregation of the body of Christ, or Church of God (Universal), and as such are not amenable to any ecclesiastical or corporate organization or authority, but stands committed to the doctrinal standards of the whole Bible. We recognize the Bible, the Word of God, as the only divine standard of faith and practice, and as our final authority in all matters of life and conduct.

Jesus Christ
Pastor Rob with his wife Jamie and Raleigh, Reese, and Silas
Our purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the World.

Ordained Ministers

Rev. Joe Frank
Rev. Ken Saul
Rev. Blair Spencer
Rev. Jodi Spencer


Dawn Rodgers

Worship Leader

Jennifer Maurer

Sound System

John Spencer

Mark 16:15

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.' "   

Youth Leaders


Praise Team

Rev.Jonathan Spencer

Head Usher

Cooper French
Robin McLaughlin
Jodi Spencer

Our Staff

 First Church of God / 192 Vernon Road / Greenville PA 16125 USA / 724-588-7875

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